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Recitation of Chinese Classic Literature by Chinese and International Students from Universities in Xinjiang: A Story Filled with Love for Mothers



On May 13, the final round of recitation of Chinese classic literature by Chinese and international students from universities in Xinjiang took place at Xinjiang University. 36 Chinese and international students performed online and offline recitation.


The final was organized by the International Cultural Exchange College of Xinjiang University, supported by the Department of Education of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Bureau of Education of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, with the participation of other universities in Xinjiang that offer programs for international students.


On May 13, the final round of recitation of Chinese classic literature by Chinese and international students from universities in Xinjiang took place at Xinjiang University. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


The final was held in 3 groups. The first group consisted of 14 international students selected by the Confucius Institutes jointly established with foreign universities by universities in Xinjiang, who recited their works using online video. The second group consisted of 12 international students in Urumqi who participated in the live competition, and the third group consisted of 10 undergraduate students of International Chinese Language Education from universities in Xinjiang.


The first was online recitation by international students from the Confucius Institutes. 14 international students from the Confucius Institute at Novosibirsk State University in Russia and other Confucius Institutes recited their works by video. Afterwards, the international students present walked onto the stage and recited Chinese classic literature. 


“The Ode of Mulan”, “A Quatrain”, “The River All Red”, “Farewell to Cambridge Again”, “You are the April of This World”, “Snow—to the Tune of Chin Yuan Chun”... The international students recited those classic poems that really struck a chord. They wore well-prepared costumes according to the era in which the works had been written, and made videos and pictures according to the mood of the works, which made the recitation very fascinating, rich in feeling and eloquent in expression.


Interestingly, in the online and offline competitions, the poems “Farewell to Cambridge Again” and “Invitation to Wine” were recited several times by different contestants, making the competition even more intense.


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. A student from the Confucius Institute was reciting “The Ode of Mulan” online. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Li Wenze, from Pakistan and now a junior majoring in Human Resources Management at Xinjiang Agricultural University, was reciting Dufu’s well-known poem “A Quatrain”. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Fahad, from India and now studying clinical medicine at the International Education College of Xinjiang Medical University, was reciting “Invitation to Wine”. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


Osmanzhanova Malikam, a graduate student of International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang Normal University, won the first prize for her live recitation of the work "You are the April of This World". The Kazakhstan girl came to study in Xinjiang in 2017.


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Osmanzhanova Malikam, a graduate student of International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang Normal University, recited “You are the April of This World” and won the First Prize. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


“My mom took tremendous efforts and went through unimaginable hardship for me to be able to come to Xinjiang to study. My father passed away when I was very young, and my mom raised us three children alone. When my mom knew I wanted to study in China, she supported my dream. In spite of the heavy financial burden on her, she always encouraged me to study hard in China. Life has been so hard for her. She is very remarkable in my mind, a great mother for me." In an interview with the reporter, she had tears in her eyes. “When I chose the poem for competition, the mother’s love flowing from “You Are the April of This World” touched me deeply. Lin Huiyin's poem made me feel that the love of mothers in the world is the same, and I especially want to read it to my mom and to all mothers in the world,” said Osmanzhanova Malikam emotionally.


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Yang Yuqi, from Tianjin and now a freshman of International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang Normal University, recited “China in the Moonlight” and won the First Prize. Yang Yuqi is passionate about hosting and recitation. She said, “This poem is so beautifully written and contains profound meaning. The beautiful motherland makes one’s heart pound, and the recitation resonates with everyone’s emotions.” [Photo/Wang Qiming]


The recitation by undergraduate students of International Chinese Language Education from the universities in Xinjiang brought the event to a moving climax.


Li Mingxuan, a 2021 undergraduate majoring in International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang University, won the First Prize for his recitation of “Invitation to Wine”. “I have loved poetry since I was a child, especially the poems by Li Bai. Several students recited this masterpiece by Li Bai today. The recitation competition has built a bridge for students from different countries to exchange ideas. I’d like to share my inspirations with Chinese and foreign students, read more excellent works from different countries, exchange our reading experience, and enhance our understanding and friendship,” said Li Mingxuan.


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Li Mingxuan, a 2021 undergraduate majoring in International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang University, recited “Invitation to Wine” and won the First Prize. [Photo/Wang Qiming]



May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Wang Hongkui, from Hebei and now a freshman of International Chinese Language Education at Xinjiang Univerisity of Finance and Economics, recited “Admonition Against Ordering Guests to Leave” and won the Third Prize. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


 “This competition was originally planned last year, but was postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic. This year, international students in the universities in Xinjiang are arriving one after another. On-campus preliminaries were first held in eight universities including Xinjiang University and Kashgar University and the Confucius Institutes jointly established by universities in Xinjiang and their foreign partners, and selected the contestants who participate in today’s final. The participating contestants come from nine countries and cover a wide range of disciplines, including arts, science, engineering, medicine and management,said Wang Kui, dean of the International Cultural Exchange College of Xinjiang University, “We gather together, reciting classic Chinese literature, enjoying the charm of the language, sensing Chinese civilization, promoting cultural exchanges and spiritual communication among students from different countries, becoming the beneficiaries, disseminators and inheritors of fine traditional Chinese culture, and building a community of human destiny together.”


May 13, International Cultural Exchange College, Xinjiang University. Two international contestants are appreciating the recitation of other contestants. Mohammad Iqbal (left), from Afghanistan and now a graduate student at Medical School of Shihezi University, recited “Snow—to the Tune of Chin Yuan Chun”. Farhan (middle), from India and now a graduate student at Medical School of Shihezi University, recited “Farewell to Cambridge Again” and won the Third Prize. [Photo/Wang Qiming]


Editor: Liu Ying

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